• 90 Days To Freedom & Flow


    Horses and Heart Centered Wisdom

    Tools To De-Stress ~ De-Compress

    Tap into your heart's wisdom, recalibrate and create a life that makes your heart sing

    90 day program to transform stress into peace, confidence, freedom and flow

    Begins November 1st!

  • Your heart is waiting to share it's wisdom with you...

    Science is showing us a new way to manage stress and experience emotional freedom...

    and it is so simple!

  • The fast moving pace of life lately along with the added pressure of business on a daily basis disconnects high functioning people from their creativity and peace.

    If you have been experiencing stress or anxiety lately and are ready to:

    • Leave stress behind to increase peace and productivity.
    • Step into certainty and confidence.
    • Spend a little time in nature (live or virtually) and refresh energy.
    • Experience emotional freedom and increase Emotional Intelligence.
    • Become more resilient.
    • Find the authentic leader within and lead teams with ease.
    • Gain clarity and establish the changes needed now for your leap to freedom.
    • Align with a clear vision and become unstoppable .
    • Re-Imagine life (and business) and live it on their own terms.
    • Find your flow state - get in the zone!

    This work is credited by countless individuals as single most important investment made in their life, career, and business.


    Year End BONUS!

    This 90 day program includes the life changing 48 Hour Breakthrough

    2-day intensive.

  • "Working with the horses validated my natural ability to lead, but also encouraged me to be more assertive and apply my leadership qualities more

    The feedback from the horses gave me a sense of permission to go ahead and be the leader that I know I am."

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    Brock Frazier

    Physician Assistant - Command Medical

    Springfield, MO

  • Experience the power of equine assisted learning and coaching

    The 48 Hour Breakthrough™ 2-day intensive includes: 

    Equine assisted business coaching. Keep reading below for more information about this powerful method.


    Two days in an open air country setting for freedom of creativity and rejuvenation. Research shows that being outside amongst nature helps humans rejuvenate.

    Powerful methods aimed at uncovering outdated thinking patterns holding you in patterns of limitation.


    Master mind time to develop strategy for your leap to freedom.

    A major shift in what you see and believe to be possible.


    Increased emotional intelligence. Emotional understanding and authenticity.

    Learn to receive and manage energy and clarify communication dynamics.


    Experiential learning designed for your breakthroughs.


    Identify needed boundaries and hold them.


    Polish your leadership to get greater results with less effort.


    Step into authentic leadership that is clear about the decisions at hand.


    Increase confidence.

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  • Why Horses?

    There is no riding. All work done from the ground. No knowledge of horses needed. Working with horses activates both sides of the brain, allowing you to overcome obstacles and develop creative solutions in moving forward.


    Horses are honest and incapable of deception. They interpret the intentions and body language of humans better than we do.


    Horses reveal how we communicate, how we are perceived by others, and where we allocate energy. Our Equine Coaching Team is one of the most valuable – and most popular – aspects of The 48-Hour Breakthrough™ series.



    This method is relaxing and invigorating all at the same time.

  • Trade In:

    Working long hours (the kids don’t recognize you anymore)

    Flat-lined revenue, productivity and profitability


    Difficult money conversations

    The juggling act and the hustle

    Overwhelm and lack of clarity


    For Your Freedom!!!

  • "I feel more grounded and centered around the value that I bring to my clients and the business world. 

    My business took an immediate six+figure jump within 60 days after the 48 HR Breakthrough™! My team and I are on fire!"

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    Liz Letson, M.S., LPCC

    E3A certified, Eagala certified
    Eagle Vista Ranch - Minnesota

  • What to expect in 90 days...

    Get started right after you register with self-paced

    stress-management tools until we begin live November 1st!

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    Tap Into The Wisdom Of Your Heart Virtual Sessions

    • Kick off the first 30 days with our 7-7-7 formula to reduce stress and develop neural pathways that support peace, health, improved sleep and well-being.
    • 4 group Zoom meetings to learn how to tap into your heart's wisdom and reduce symptoms of stress in the moment.
    • BONUS! Copy of Coach Lora's book - 90 Days On The Path To Success daily journal
    • 3 Private Sessions for Performance EMDR / Coaching / tailored support in creating your desired future state of being.
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    Learning And Bio-Feedback With Horses

    Nature's Truth Tellers!

    Participate live or virtually

    • Monthly (3 total) group sessions with the horses to:
    • Get 4D feedback on your progress.
    • Understand how your non-verbal communication and energy impacts others and your results.
    • Gain wisdom only horses can bring in prodding you into the leader you know you are deep down inside.
  • The 48 Hour Breakthrough™ ~ December 2nd & 3rd

    It is like no other 2-day intensive out there!

    Gift yourself 2 days to drop your old story and breakthrough to your new desired future.

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    Day 1

    • Uncover subconscious programming holding you in patterns of limitation and self-sabotage.
    • Improve Emotional Intelligence and resilience.
    • Breakthrough disempowering beliefs and develop new expansive beliefs.
    • Experience the power of equine assisted learning.
    • Excavate your authentic inner leader and free that aspect of yourself to come out and play.
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    Day 2

    • Re-define failure.
    • Develop strategy for your freedom leap. 
    • Join the horses again for more breakthroughs and clear strategy.
    • Design your days to reflect the life and business leadership that you really want.
    • Expand possibilities and opportunities.
    • Acknowledge the new, off the chain leader that has been held back and step into a new day of freedom and fulfillment.
  • "Since the 48 Hour Breakthrough™ 2-day intensive, I have regained 10 hours in my work week, hired new team members, and opened a second location. My revenue jumped by six-figures - THAT is a great return on my investment!"

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    Bradley Daniels

    Shelter Insurance Agent, Missouri

    Missouri Agent of the year 2022

    Top 10 nation wide

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Do I spend the night...48 Hours?

    No! You go home or back to your hotel at night. You will have a little homework and it is best you don't make plans for the Day 1 evening. We re-convene the next morning.

    What kinds of exercises do we do?

    We go through a series of exercises designed to help you reveal the subconscious programming that is holding you back from leading the life and business you really want. Most are done indoors.

    We will engage equine assisted learning exercises in the arena or pasture. There is no riding, all work done from the ground and no knowledge of horses needed to participate.

    How can horses help me?

    Humans learn more effectively through experience and movement. It is a whole body experience. Our horses have been working with clients for over 17 years. They are seasoned at helping business leaders breakthrough old paradigms and build new ones of empowerment and expansion.

    93% of communication is non-verbal. Horses read non-verbal communication like you and I smell coffee in the morning. They respond to it and my team and I are trained to help you understand what the horses are telling you.

    This is a safe environment, we guide you in safety measures and safety is number one in the work, otherwise it wouldn't be so highly effective.

    Research indicates that there is a relaxation effect in the presence of horses, we activate the right side of the brain, the creative side, and get you into flow state of re-invention of the problem at hand.

  • It begins with

    a conversation. 

    How soon do you want to begin freedom and flow?